Summertime--Ah Summertime! This has been a wonderful summer. However, in all honestly I thought I would be further along on my "to do" list. All those projects I intentionally put off until I have more time, do not seem to be getting crossed off that long, long list. Sometimes I even add more before crossing off anything. And then there are the everyday things that have to be done. The garden is needy, the house is needy, my spirit is needy, and the dog is extremely needy as are the ticks and fleas that think she is a delightful summer home.
I seem to constantly bite off more than I can chew and I have recently realized I chew a lot slower than I used to.
My grandchildren are a delight--but I need more time there.
My children are wonderful--I need more time with them.
My traveling spirit is ready to go--I need to plan a trip to use those flying miles.
My anticipation for next school year has me looking for new projects--I need more time to look.
My time spent once in a while watching a Dr. Oz show makes me want to treat myself better--I need a plan.
My friends are important to me--I need face time not face book to keep in touch.
And lastly and very importantly--I need to nourish my creative self and get some painting done. For I get very cranky when I don't.
I guess what happens is during the year I know I can't finish a lot of projects so they slide and I only concentrate on the things on the top of the priority list. The things at the bottom continually being moved down.
I did not blog last week--I was on a short trip with friends--much needed and too short.
This is Hank--one of the friendly hosts of Scandia B&B |
Eureka Springs Arkansas is an enchanting little place carved out of the mountain side in northern Arkansas. In the late 19th century it was a mecca for people who sought medical healing from the natural springs that dotted the landscape. There are beautiful gingerbread houses and charming shops, as well as, delightful restaurants. The approach to the downtown area has several well tended gardens. There are friendly Bed and Breakfasts to stay in and friendly people to visit with along the streets.
Where ever I go I always make time for sweet natured pets--like Hank!
So you can see why I couldn't get to the computer to blog. But here are some photos I would like to share. Who knows maybe I will paint a watercolor inspired by one or two of them!!
Stop be next week and check on my progress.